Reporting from the Helm July 2023

John Campbell
The past six months have certainly had their ups and downs. Some of the downs include the economic climate, frustrations with the ruling party, our implied relationship with Russia, and of course, load shedding. But not all is doom and gloom; we have some comfort in the good market performance over the past 12 months.
In this edition of the Beacon, we address common questions our clients ask us. Our articles focus on tax considerations and challenges associated with inheriting from abroad, estate planning considerations for South African residents with international heirs, and reasons to invest offshore.
New Durban office
Some exciting news is that we opened our KwaZulu Natal, Durban office on 1 July. This has been a long time in the making, and we are pleased to welcome Pete Wilson and his team into the Chartered fold. Chartered has bought Pete Wilson and Associates in Westville and will be running our Durban branch from there. As with all our branches nationally, it’s our intention to service our clients from our regional offices, but as usual, it will be a gentle transition. We look forward to sharing more in the months ahead.
Reflecting on Chartered’s journey
Last week, after spending time at the home of a client suffering from a long-term illness, I was reflecting on Chartered’s journey and felt proud about the holistic financial advice we give and the special relationships we have with our clients. We really do approach financial planning differently, looking at all aspects of our clients’ lives and not just their money. At Chartered, we have spent the last 20 years tailoring a world-class financial planning practice that offers holistic financial advice. We employ 48 professionals with specialists in every financial planning field, all working together to ensure that you benefit from the best advice and solutions available.
It was also after this visit that I was reminded of the inherently transactional nature of our industry. An ex-Chartered financial adviser had visited the client to try and take over their investments but had neglected the critical advice components necessary for this client at this stage of the client’s life. This was most likely due to them not having access to resources and highlighted the value and importance of our team. We are grateful for our strong team at Chartered and, at the core, our 13 senior Financial Planning Specialists who boast an average of 13 years of service each. We are proud of the strong relationships we form with our clients, and while the Financial Planning Specialists may hold the relationship together, they are backed by a strong team working behind the scenes. I often tell clients that no one individual looks after them, but rather they are looked after by a team. So, while a staff member leaving can be unsettling for clients, we can assure you that our holistic financial advice or overall client experience doesn’t change when clients are introduced to a new Financial Planning Specialist.
Enjoy the read, and as usual, please get in touch with us if you have anything you would like to discuss.
Warm regards,