We all do better when we do it together

John Campbell
According to Global Citizen, “lockdown” is South Africa’s word of the year for 2020. This word has been used by people of all ages, races, colours and creeds. It united us and transformed the world as we knew into a “new normal,” which many of us are still digesting.
Despite the adversity, an opportunity for extraordinary growth and innovation arose.
When we closed the offices just a week before the official lockdown, we had no idea what we were in for, most of us thought we would be spending three weeks at home and then back to work. Our team at Chartered were incredible how they packed up at work and headed home, for those with laptops this was relatively easy. Still, most of our support staff work on desktops, and we ended up ubering these all over Gauteng to their respective homes. Working from home was an unprecedented challenge for each and every staff member, juggling personal and business life, a challenge they rose to most admirably. They have done a terrific job at ensuring that all our clients have been supported through probably the most challenging year in everyone’s life. I want to express our sincere gratitude to the Chartered family for doing everything possible under extreme conditions.
While I am proud and grateful for the team at Chartered, we would not have a business without you, our clients. Not only have you had to worry about your financial security, but you too have needed to adapt to this new lifestyle. Every client was so forthcoming and open to having meetings on Zoom and Teams. For many, especially the less tech-savvy, this was a real challenge. Many of you retired recently and had to forfeit trips of a lifetime that you had planned for years. Many others have delayed plans to move house and cities. More difficult than cancelling travel was cutting yourselves off socially, because of the increased risk in the 60 plus age group. I know my parents struggled not seeing their children and grandchildren. Unfortunately, we are not through it yet, but on reflection, a big thank you to our clients for their perseverance and understanding. We are all looking forward to the end of 2020 and the excitement of what 2021 brings to us.
Lastly, some exciting news for 2020. We decided to enter into the prestigious FPI (Financial Planning Institute) Professional Practice of the year competition. Following a grilling by international judges and the team at the FPI, we received news last week that we are one of the top 3 finalists. We will be attending a gala dinner this evening (Tuesday 27th October) where the winner will be announced—holding thumbs.
Warm regards