Reporting from the Helm February 2022

John Campbell
We are well into 2022, and there is no doubt that we have returned to a little more normality as the severity of Covid seems less threatening. For those of you who have children or grandchildren who attend university, after a long December break and welcome time with family, it was time to bid them farewell as they headed back to start university.
We are looking forward to hosting our client roadshows around the country. Our roadshow kicked off last week in Johannesburg with Jeremy Gardiner. During these roadshows, Jeremy will be sharing his insights into the local and global economic landscape. It is quite hard to believe that we have not held these events in person for the past two years, and we are excited to connect with you at the various regional sessions around the country.
At Chartered, we are all back in the office, and there is a renewed energy, something that we have not felt for a long time. Although vaccinations are of a very personal nature, I am pleased to report that all the staff working in our Chartered building and our regional offices are vaccinated. Based on the nature of our business and the age group of our clients, we felt that it would be prudent for all staff to be vaccinated.
We have always worked hard at Chartered to ensure we keep ahead and innovate and improve our advice process at every stage possible. We are 19 years old this year, and it’s interesting to reflect on the past and establish what we could have done differently. Capital gains tax was a new tax when we started the business and was a tax that didn’t seem too onerous back then. However, it has almost doubled since it was launched and has become a real hindrance to keeping clients invested in our recommended investment solutions. This is primarily due to clients not wanting to change anything in their investments as it will result in having to pay capital gains tax. Over the past few years, we have been working on a solution to ensure that any changes made to any investments that we recommend would not attract any capital gains tax. We are pleased to report that we will be launching this solution in the next couple of months. Through this exercise, the most crucial factor was to ensure that we don’t compromise our investment offering and continue using Investment Consultants like PMX and Morningstar. Our Retiremeant™ Specialists will be sharing details of this enhanced offering with you over the next few months, prior to the launch in the middle of the year.
I hope you enjoy reading this edition of The Beacon, which includes articles about wealth protection – how much is enough, the investment merits of Bitcoin, the pros and pitfalls when appointing your children as executors of your estate, and finally, tax deductions on your pension or annuity.