This legal notice relates to any electronic mail communication, including all attachments thereto, sent by or on behalf of Chartered Wealth Solutions and/or any of its subsidiary or associated companies.
For purposes of this notice:
“Addressee” or “intended recipient” means the person indicated or elected by the sender of the communication as being the intended party that the communication is transmitted to;
“Communication” or “e-mail” means electronic mail communication (including any attachment(s) thereto), transmitted by or on behalf of Chartered Wealth Solutions;
“Employee” or “sender” means an employee of Chartered Wealth Solutions or other person authorized by Chartered Wealth Solutions to send or receive official communications on behalf of Chartered Wealth Solutions.
The following terms and conditions apply to this and any other Chartered Wealth Solutions e-mail communication:
- This e-mail legal notice is enforceable and binding in terms of sections 11(1) to 11(3) of the Electronic Communications and Transactions (“ECT”) Act 25 of 2002. The ECT Act may be downloaded here.
- If you are not the intended recipient or addressee, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying or distribution of the contents of this email transmission or the taking of any action in reliance thereon or pursuant thereto, is strictly prohibited. Should you have received this e-mail in error, please delete and destroy it and any attachments thereto immediately. At no time may you act on the information contained therein.
- This and other e-mail transmissions may contain confidential information, which is the property of Chartered Wealth Solutions. No person, other than the intended recipient may use or disclose the contents of this message, links or attachments hereto, to any person whatsoever. Unauthorized disclosure and/or use may result in civil and criminal liability.
- The e-mail address of the sender may not be used, copied, sold, disclosed or incorporated into any database or mailing list for spamming and/or other marketing practices without the prior consent of Chartered Wealth Solutions.
- Chartered Wealth Solutions takes all reasonable steps to ensure the integrity of its systems and data and that viruses are not propagated. Under no circumstances shall Chartered Wealth Solutions or the sender of this e-mail be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages, including, without limitation, any loss of profits, business interruption, loss of programs or other data on information handling systems or otherwise, even if Chartered Wealth Solutions or the sender of this e-mail have been expressly advised of the possibility of such damages.
- Any agreements concluded with Chartered Wealth Solutions by using electronic correspondence shall only come into effect once Chartered Wealth Solutions confirms such contract formation in a follow up or return communication.
- E-mails sent to Chartered Wealth Solutions will only be regarded as having been received by Chartered Wealth Solutions once receipt thereof is expressly acknowledged. An auto-reply shall not constitute a response for purposes of this clause. Chartered Wealth Solutions will only be deemed to have sent an e-mail once such message is reflected as ‘sent’ on the Chartered Wealth Solutions e-mail server.
- Chartered Wealth Solutions reserves the right to monitor, intercept, filter, view, block, delete, access, copy, read and act upon this e-mail message and all e-mail messages sent as reply messages to the e-mail address of the sender.
- Chartered Wealth Solutions retains the copyright to all e-mail messages and attachments sent from its communication systems. The addressee is hereby authorized to open and read the message and/or attachments only – all other rights are reserved.
- The views and opinions expressed in this e-mail message do not necessarily reflect the views and/or opinions of Chartered Wealth Solutions. Chartered Wealth Solutions accepts no liability in respect of the unauthorized use of its e-mail facility or the sending of e-mail communications for other than strictly business purposes. If this e-mail message is used for purposes unrelated to the official business of Chartered Wealth Solutions, Chartered Wealth Solutions shall not be liable for any damage or loss caused by the contents of this message and the sender shall take full responsibility therefore in his/her sole and personal capacity.
- If this communication contains offensive, derogatory or defamatory statements or materials, it means that the message is not an official Chartered Wealth Solutions communication and has been sent outside of the scope of the sender’s employment with Chartered Wealth Solutions and only the sender may be held liable in his/her personal capacity for his/her actions.
- The failure of Chartered Wealth Solutions to define any specific word or concept in this notice does not void any part of this notice. If any person requires clarification of any aspect contained in this notice, kindly contact the Chartered Wealth Solutions at
- This legal notice shall at all times take precedence over any other e-mail disclaimer(s) received or sent by employees or sender utilizing the communications facilities of Chartered Wealth Solutions.
- The retirement calculator and content on this website is intended to provide an estimate projection only. It is not intended, and should not be taken as an official estimate, nor should it be relied upon as a calculation of the exact amount of your retirement. Further financial advice should be sought for an official estimate.
- All trademarks, information and data on this website are the property of or licensed to Chartered Wealth Solutions. You may print pages for personal use but no part of this website may be reproduced or transmitted for any other purpose. Chartered Wealth Solutions accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage howsoever arising out of the use of the website.
- Errors and Omissions excluded. Click here to download our Conflict of Interest Policy manual.